June 2017
Official Twitter
Posted June 16, 2017

The Best Detective now has an official Twitter @gelatinocomics! If you use Twitter, please follow to get comic updates and possibly some bonus material as well!

RSS Feed And Tentative Update Schedule
Posted June 12, 2017

A couple things!

1. There is now an RSS feed link at the very bottom of the page, if you want to subscribe and never miss a comic! I haven't used an RSS reader since google reader shut down, but I hear The Old Reader is pretty good.

2. I'm tentatively setting an update schedule of new comics every Monday and Friday. My comics take a while to make so I can't really update more often than that, but I want some consistency so people know when to expect a new comic. I don't know if I will even be able to keep up with that, so this is just a test run!

Official site release!
Posted June 6, 2017

I'm proud to announce that the new site is finally ready to roll!

I've worked hard building this site from scratch, so I hope everybody enjoys it. Please take some time to explore the site, especially all the links in the menubar up top! If you have any opinions or suggestions about the site, I would love to hear them, so send it to gelatino@thebestdetective.com, or just click the "Contact" button up top. I love mail, so feel free to send anything my way!

I still have more things planned, so keep an eye on the news section down here for updates!