Escape Room 3
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Goodbye RSS Feed
Posted August 13, 2019

Apologies to anybody who actually uses the RSS feed (I'm guessing it's nobody, but you never know). I'm going to stop updating that and look into options for email subscription.

In the meantime, if you still want comic updates, be sure to check Tumblr or Twitter!

Fake Caper!
Posted July 30, 2019

Wow, big update time: Fake Caper just dropped! Use that link or the new navbar at the top to get to it, or just click "next" right from the front page. This 17-page comic has been in the works for a while, so I hope you all enjoy it! Special thanks to Kidknux for helping me out with a cover design.

New character entry: Carmen!
Posted October 22, 2018

Have you checked out the "characters" tab at the top of the page? Well, I just added Carmen to the list!

Hiatus! D:
Posted July 22, 2017

Hello everybody! I'm sorry to say this, but I've decided to put The Best Detective on hiatus for a little while. I've made so many comics over the past two months, I'm starting to feel kind of burned out. I need to take a break so I can revive that motivation and work on lots more comics in the future! And I'd also like to take some time to pursue whatever creative work I feel like doing.

Thanks to everybody who's been reading and sharing my comics-- that support means more than anything to me. Follow my blog to see what other creative stuff I get up to while the comic is on break! And please look through the site and re-read all the recent comics! I'm really proud of all the work I've done, and I want everyone to enjoy it.

I may still post new comics occasionally, but there won't be any update schedule for now. The best way to stay notified is to follow on Tumblr, Twitter, or RSS Feed through the links at the bottom of the page!

Ask Michael! And Update Schedule Change
Posted July 3, 2017

Three announcements:

1. As you can see in today's comic, I'm launching a new feature! You can ask questions to Michael by emailing him at! He might respond to your question in a comic! Keep it short and sweet, make sure to include "Dear Michael," and remember to sign your name! If this is successful, I may open up questions for other characters as well...

2. I'm sorry to say I'm going to have to reduce my update schedule to just one comic a week! I have no problem publishing two per week, but it doesn't give me time to work on anything else, and I have bigger detective stories I want to work on between comic strips. I'll start publishing them on Saturdays from now on, to brighten everybody's weekend with comics.

3. I updated the site a little. Check out the "Characters" page to see a new character, and check out the social media buttons at the bottom of each page! The official Tumblr and Twitter pages for The Best Detective are down there. There is also a privacy policy at the very bottom, to assure you that I'm not using your information for anything bad.

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