
Michael Freeman

A private investigator who loves to solve mysteries and vows to keep his city free of crime! He calls himself a detective, but his only knowledge about solving crimes comes from watching detective shows.


Tracy Lister

Michael's niece and partner in solving mysteries. She is a huge nerd who loves reading books, playing video games, and hopes to be a published writer someday! She helps keep Michael out of trouble.


Chelsea Uche

The head detective of the city police department who is dedicated to protecting her home, and takes her job very seriously. She can't stand anybody who blatantly disregards rules and procedures (like Michael).


Wanda Dixon

A detective assigned to be Chelsea's partner. Her enthusiasm is contagious and her mind is an endless font of ideas, but she can't seem to distinguish the good ideas from the bad!


Carmen Flores

Tracy's best friend from school! Her family owns a garden shop and she has a fondness for plants. Sometimes has difficulty staying focused, but she is very supportive and loves making friends.